An insanely beautiful Oregon afternoon. We all have slug eyes as the past weeks have been gray and rainy for the most part. So the full sun is a bit brutal on the eyes.
Note slugs are the creatures that slime their way around the dark spaces in the forests of Oregon.
Being old Hippie types who know how to cook good food from scratch, the meals are a delicious blend of yummy food. The potlucks are not to be missed.
I put a twice baked potato in his back pocket for a little surprise on the ride home...... hehe, not really.
Mike got our attention and stopped us all from talking so he could take this picture. He said something like Hey you #$@!#$, !#@$!@#$ so I can take @!$#@!#$ @#!@#$ picture. Ah the power of the English language spoken by a college educated English graduate is a beautiful thing.
Note to self - Do NOT party with a school teacher. Lordy Maya made a pop quiz for us to take. Nothing like a foggy alcohol brain casting back 30 or more years for trivia.
Nice thing about taking a test with old people, they say the answers out loud. I guess as you get old your mouth speaks what your brain thinks as you right down answers.
Mr. Mike finished his test early and decided to finish his afternoon nap? The house and land looked beautiful so they had worked very hard to spiff everything up.
Oh you are soooooooooo busted, Wendy. I see you eyeing that desert. Actually she was very well behaved while someone appearing to look a lot like her mom kept stealing raspberries off the top.
In prepartion for the future and in honor of Jeanne's and Michael's funny story, I offer the following.
So this is how we entertain ourselves in the coastal mountains of Oregon on a beautiful spring day. Living as we do on The Edge of the World - thank you Richard B. from Germany.
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